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Project Uzbekistan

KUBO is always adding ‘new’ countries to the world map. The construction of a project in the Khorezm region means that Uzbekistan is now also on our map. The area in the west of the country – 32 million residents – will be getting an Ultra-Clima greenhouse of 5.5 hectares.

The largely Muslim Uzbekistan in Central Asia is aiming for rapid modernisation of its horticulture. Covered growing still takes place in simple greenhouse constructions, generally originating from countries such as China and North Korea. This only delivers modest harvests. Horticulture in Uzbekistan needs to gradually take the place of tradition cotton growing, which has a high water consumption and low returns.


The conditions for growing and continental climate are, however, not optimal. The summers are hot, with temperatures that can reach 45 degrees. In winter, the temperature is often below zero. Ideal conditions for the Ultra-Clima greenhouse. By modifying the growing light, Uzbekestanis can grow tomatoes twelve months of the year. These are mainly for export to Russia. The additional returns delivered by year-round growing are more than sufficient for the additional investment in the hypermodern Ultra-Clima greenhouse.

The project’s client already has an animal feed factory and a chicken farm. Natural gas is relatively cheap and electricity is also available cheaply. With sufficient residents in their own region, the area can provide optimum labour capacity.

Cheminant FR - Project Uzbekistan - KUBO


To help the Uzbekistani start-up get going, KUBO will be introducing Smart Growing immediately after construction. This means that growing will take place under Dutch supervision. The greenhouse construction is also being supervised by the Dutch, using local labourers. The foundations for the 5.5-hectare greenhouse are currently being laid. The entire construction requires a total of 170 transports of greenhouse construction materials by road – 3,500 kilometres.



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